The PAME Conference invites abstract submissions that further understanding of important and emerging topics related to all epilepsy-related mortality. Below is a recent collection of abstracts:
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Award Winners
- Impact of Comorbid Sleep Disorders on Mortality Risk in Patients with Epilepsy
- M. Lazaj, MSc; G. Shukla, MBBS, MD, DM, FRCPC; L. Boissé Lomax, MD, MSc, FRCPC, CSCN; G. Winston, MD; A. Johnson, PhD; T. Derry, BScH
- Disruption of Adenosine Metabolism in Mice Increases Risk of Seizure-Induced Death Despite Decreased Seizure Severity: Implications for SUDEP
- B. Purnell, PhD; B. Rust, BS; J. Bhasin; T. Lu; S. George; K. Bah, BS; D. Fedele, PhD; D. Boison, PhD
- Altered PI3K/mTOR Signaling Within the Forebrain Leads to Respiratory Deficits in a Mouse Model of SUDEP
- P. Woller, BS; M. Rice, BS; D. Tiwari, PhD; C. Gross, PhD; S. Crone, PhD
Basic Mechanisms
- Dysfunction of Central and Peripheral Circadian Clock Genes in Models of Absence and Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- P. Casillas-Espinosa, MD, PhD; G. Yamakawa, PhD; R. Lin, PhD; R. Mychasiuk, PhD; T. O’Brien, MD, PhD
- Reduced GABA Uptake and Altered GABAergic Neurotransmission in Slc6a1(S295L) Knock-In Mouse Associated with Epileptic Encephalopathy
- K. Zavalin, PhD; M. DeLeeuw, MS; K. Randhave, BS; J. Kang, MD
- Abnormal Parvalbumin-Positive Interneuron Excitability in a Novel Mouse Model of Epileptic Encephalopathy Due to a Recurrent Kcnc1-p.A421V Variant
- E. Wengert, PhD; M. Cheng, NA; E. Goldberg, MD, PhD
- Effects of N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) Antagonists or an Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARB) on Seizure-Induced Respiratory Arrest (S-IRA) in the DBA/1 Mouse Model of SUDEP
- C. Faingold, PhD; S. Louis, MS
- Effects of Periaqueductal Gray (PAG) Stimulation on Respiration in the DBA/1 Mouse Model of SUDEP
- C. Faingold, PhD; S. Louis, MS
- Glycinergic Neurons Contribute to Features of Dravet Syndrome
- B. Milla, MS; D. Mulkey, PhD
- Altered Kcnh2/Kv11.1 Expression in the Brain and Heart, and Prolongation of Cardiac Repolarization in a Rabbit Model of Long QT Syndrome with Seizures
- K. Wagner, BS; D. Auerbach, PhD; R. Ebrahimi, MS; K. Keller, MS; J. Ryan, PhD; R. Wojcikiewicz, PhD
- Opto and Chemogenetic Dissection of Neural Circuitry Involved in Seizure-Induced Apnea
- I. Wenker, PhD; M. Patel, PhD
- Neuronal Plasticity Leads to Seizure-Induced Apnea
- A. Brodovskaya, PhD; N. Adotevi, PhD; J. Kapur, MD, PhD
- Genetic Mapping Using Collaborative Cross Mice Resource Identifies Novel Candidate Genes of SUDEP Susceptibility
- B. Gu, PhD; J. Xenakis, PhD; T. Shannon, BS; T. Bell, PhD; B. Philpot, PhD; F. Pardo Manuel de Villena, PhD
- Time-of-Day Dependent Mortality from Spontaneous Seizures Persists in Constant Darkness in the Scn1aR1407X/+ Mouse Model of Dravet Syndrome
- B. Kreitlow, MS; A. Novella Maciel; A. Hernandez-Vasquez; G. Buchanan, MD, PhD
- Apnoeas and Diaphragm EMG During Spontaneous Tonic-Clonic Seizures in a Rat Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- K. Liska, PhD; A. Pant; B. Krajcovic, PhD; J. Jefferys, PhD, FAES, FMedSc
- Brainstem “failure” and the window for resuscitation after respiratory arrest in rats
- R Gurevich; C Joseph; A Daniels; R Kollmar, PhD; N Cipriano; E Cohen; S Tominaga, MD; KSundaram, MD; J Silverman, MD, PhD, and M Stewart, MD, PhD
Translational Research
- Failure to Breathe Persists Without Air Hunger or Alarm Following Amygdala Seizures
- A. Rhone, PhD; C. Kovach, PhD; S. Kumar, PhD; M. Mowla, PhD; G. Richerson, MD, PhD; J. Wemmie, MD, PhD; B. Dlouhy, MD
- Stability of Hypercapnic Ventilatory Response on Repeated Measurements over Time in Patients with Epilepsy
- R. Sainju, MBBS; D. Dragon, BS; J. Kuhn, RRT; J. Michelson, RRT; L. Wendt, MS; P. Ten Eyck, PhD; G. Richerson, MD, PhD; B. Gehlbach, MD
- Cardiac Electrical Function Surrounding Seizures in Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut Syndromes
- J. Ryan, PhD; A. Aschner, PhD; E. Donner, MD, MSc, FRCPC; D. Auerbach, PhD
- Personalization of SUDEP Risk: A Survey of Transient Subclinical Comorbidities
- K. Simeone, PhD; D. Martenz, BS; S. Iyer, MS; S. Matthews, MS; E. Donner, MD; S. Lhatoo, MD; T. Simeone, PhD
- Reduced Epilepsy Morbidity and Mortality upon Gene Replacement Therapy in Succinic Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase Deficiency (SSADHD)
- A. Liebhardt, BS; G. McGinty, BS; P. Pearl, MD; G. Gao, PhD; H. Lee, MPhil, PhD; A. Rotenberg, MD, PhD
- Use of Pharmacokinetics to Establish an Optimal Dosing Regimen for a Triple-drug Therapy in a Mouse Model of Dravet Syndrome
- J. Mensah, MS; K. Johnson, BS; C. Metcalf, PhD; C. Reilly, PhD; J. Rower, PhD; K. Wilcox, PhD
- Spontaneous Epileptiform Discharges in a Genetic Rabbit Model of Kcnh2-Mediated Seizures, Long QT Syndrome, and Sudden Death
- V. Singh, BS; K. Wagner, BS; J. Ryan, PhD; D. Auerbach, PhD
- Beta-blocker Atenolol Reduces Cardiac-mediated Mortality in Preclinical Mouse Model of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy
- M. Soh, PhD; E. Mohamed Syazwan, BSci (Hons); A. Kuanyshbek, MD; H. Lee, MD; C. McKenzie, BSci (Hons); M. Phillips, PhD; L. Bleakley, PhD; I. Scheffer, MD, PhD; S. Berkovic, MD; C. Semsarian, MD, PhD; C. Reid, PhD
- Identifying Children with Febrile Seizures at Risk for Sudden Death
- L. Gould, MSc, MA, PT; O. Devinsky, MD; T. Wisniewski, MD; E. Oermann, MD
- Creation of Data Standardization Tools to Improve Translation of Preclinical Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) Research
- L. Harte-Hargrove, PhD; L. Lubbers, PhD
- Circadian Rhythm and Sleep in Focal Epilepsy
- K. Ernst, MD; B. Erhard; J. Rémi, Reviewer
- Insights from Neuropixel Recording in the Respiratory Brainstem in Acute Kainate Rodent Seizing Deaths
- R. Budde, BS; L. RoaFiore, BS, MS; P. Irazoqui, PhD
- Increased GABAergic Neuronal Activity in the Lateral Septum Is Associated with Cortical Slow Waves and Impaired Consciousness in an Awake Mouse Model of Temporal Lobe Seizures
- J. Liu, PhD; H. Blumenfeld, PhD, MD; S. Liu, BS; L. Sieu, PhD
Clinical Epilepsy
- Data Collection System for Seizure Monitoring with Wearable Sensors
- M. Jackson, BA; J. Tang, PhD; X. Wang, MD, PhD; R. El Atrache, MD; T. Sheehan, BS; S. Cantley, BS; S. Yu, PhD; U. Asif, PhD; J. Rogers, PhD; I. Mareels, PhD; S. Harrer, PhD; T. Loddenkemper, MD
- Ictal Asystole: Epilepsy, Arrhythmia, or Syncope?
- J. Wiseman, MD; C. Richardson-Olivier, MD; A. Potash, MD; N. Medvinsky, NP; J. Bluvstein, MD; J. Paolicchi, MD
- EMBRAVE: A Clinical Trial of PRAX-222, a Novel Antisense Oligonucleotide, in Pediatric Participants with Early Onset SCN2A Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy
- S. Frizzo, MD; B. Spar, BS; K. dalby, MEd; D. Patel, MBBS, MPH; H. Jacotin, MD; M. souza, PharmD, MBA; S. Petrou, PhD
- Exploring the Relationship Between Epilepsy and Epileptic Heart: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
- C. Torres Romero, MD; P. Romaña Espíritu, MD; J. Macías de la Cruz, MD; V. Gómez Arias, MD; C. Ixcamparij Rosales, MD; C. González Gutiérrez, MD; L. Núñez Orozco, MD; I. Martínez Juárez, MD, MSc
- Causal Connectivity of the Amygdala Inhibition of Respiration (AIR) Site to Whole Brain Using Concurrent Electrical Stimulation and fMRI (esfMRI)
- S. Kumar, PhD; H. Oya, MD; A. Rhone, PhD; C. Kovach, PhD; M. Mowla, PhD; A. Chan, MD; J. Wemmie, MD; G. Richerson, MD; B. Dlouhy, MD
- Elevated Mortality Rate in Patients with Functional Seizures After Diagnosis and Referral
- N. Robinson-Mayer, LMSW; E. Patterson, PhD; I. O’Sullivan, BA; f. Hobatch, BA; K. Darpel, MD; P. Patel, MD; G. Winder, MD; N. Beimer, MD; W. Kerr, MD
Anti-seizure medication
- Stiripentol Efficacy Against SUDEP and SE-associated Mortality
- A. Bacq, PhD; A. Robert, MS; P. Cloarec, MS; I. Heulard, MS; C. Lesueur, MS; E. Simon O’Brien, PhD; P. Girard, PhD; V. Castagné, PhD
- Effect of Stiripentol on Lethal Audiogenic Seizures in the LAGS+ Selected Mouse Line Used as a Model of SUDEP
- B. Martin, PhD; G. Dieuset, MS; A. Biraben, MD
- EMBOLD: A Clinical Trial of PRAX-562 in Subjects with Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathies Followed by an Open-Label Extension
- B. Pfister, PhD, MBA; B. Spar, BS; K. Dalby, MEd; S. Frizzo, MD; D. Patel, MBBS, MPH; H. Jacotin, MD; S. Petrou, PhD; M. Souza, PharmD, MBA
- Evaluation of Electrodermal and Cardiac Activity from Wearables Before and After Anti-Seizure Medication Intake
- F. Mohammad Alizadeh Chafjiri, MD; E. Peter, BA; L. Voke, BS; S. Cantley, BA; M. Jackson, BA; S. Vieluf, PhD; T. Loddenkemper, MD
Dietary therapy
- Dietary Whey Reduces Mortality in a Dravet Syndrome Mouse Model of SUDEP by Promoting Recovery from Apnea
- E. Bravo, PhD; F. Teran, MD, PhD; Y. Kim, PhD; A. Kelley; M. Crotts; C. Enyart; J. Kasuya, PhD; T. Kitamoto, PhD; G. Richerson, MD, PhD
Health services
- Communication About Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy
- K. Maney, MD; I. Pallotto, MPH; S. Bansal, BS; R. Shellhaas, MD,MS; S. Patel, MD; Z. Grinspan, MD; J. Buchhalter, MD, PhD; E. Donner, MD, MSc, FRCPC; G. Lapham, MPH, RN; T. Stanton, MPP; M. Lemmon, MD
- Bridging the Gap Between Neurologists and People with Epilepsy/Caregivers: Systematic Literature Review About SUDEP Conversations
- J. Luker, BA (Hons); P. Ryvlin, MD; T. Stanton, MPS; S. Shaw, PhD; K. Mearns, MBiochem
- The Incidence of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) in Ireland
- Y. Langan, MD, MRCPI; E. Lynn, PhD
- Impact of Day of Admission on Mortality and Other Outcomes in Status Epilepticus: A Nationwide Analysis
- A. Sawalha, MD; K. Sawalha, MD
Public health
- SUDEP in Historically Minoritized Patient Groups: Using Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Crisis to Develop a Proactive Prevention Model
- H. Bender, PhD; R. Beattey, JD, PhD; G. Meli, BS; A. Sacks-Zimmerman, PhD; K. Katsman, MA; J. Spat-Lemus, PhD
Accepted and not able to attend PAME
- Sex-based Effects on Mitochondrial Function in a Mouse Model of Dravet Syndrome
- J. Aldridge, BS; A. Franklin, BS; C. Frasier, PhD
- Mitochondrial Deficits May Support SUDEP in a Murine Pilocarpine Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- C. Frasier, PhD; J. Aldridge, BS; A. Franklin, BS
- Eavesdropping on Thalamo-Cardiac Interactions During Seizures and Sleep for Biomarker Discovery of SUDEP Vulnerable Periods
- A. Kachhvah, PhD; Y. Vakilna, MS; O. Alamoudi, PhD; S. Suresh, MBBS; S. Pati, MD
- Decreased Cholinergic Neuronal Activity in a Mouse Model of Impaired Consciousness in Temporal Lobe Seizures
- S. Liu, BS; P. Paszkowski; L. Sieu, PhD; J. Liu, PhD; M. Valcarce-Aspegren, MD; W. Khan, MD; S. Mcgill, PhD; D. Lee; A. Duque, MD; H. Blumenfeld, MD, PhD
- Prediction of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy in Dravet Syndrome Mice by Non-Invasive Behavioral Monitoring at a Pre-Epileptic Age
- Y. Niibori, PhD; D. Hampson, PhD
- Functional Connectivity of Arousal Structures Across Vigilance States: Relationship to Impaired Neurocognition in Epilepsy
- H. Pourmotabbed, MS; C. Martin, BS; S. Goodale, BS; D. Doss, BS; J. Shless, BS; S. Wang, MS; V. Morgan, PhD; D. Englot, MD, PhD; C. Chang, PhD
- Short-term Effects of Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation on T-Wave Alternans in People with Epilepsy
- J. Pukropski, MD; J. Baumann, PhD; A. Jordan, MD; R. von Wrede, MD; R. Surges, Prof
- Kv3.1 Potentiation Mitigates Seizures in a Mouse Dravet Syndrome Model
- S. Vermudez, PhD; R. Lin, MS; G. McGinty, BS; A. Liebhardt, BS; B. Hui, BS; H. Lee, PhD; M. Sahin, MD, PhD; A. Rotenberg, MD, PhD
- Age-Related Arousal Network Connectivity Changes in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- A. Gummadavelli, MD; D. Doss, BS; G. Johnson, PhD; J. Shless, BS; M. Jacobs, PsyD; K. Haas, MD, PhD; S. Bick, MD; D. Terry, PhD; C. Chang, PhD; V. Morgan, PhD; D. Englot, MD, PhD
- Complicated Effects of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors on Spontaneous Seizure-induced Mortality in Dravet Mice
- D. Min, BS; Y. Zhou, BS; E. Farrell, BS; H. Feng, PhD
- Unique Autonomic Circuit Contributions to Seizures, Cardiorespiratory Dysfunction, and Premature Mortality in the Kv1.1 Knockout Mouse Model of SUDEP
- K. Paulhus, BS, MS; E. Glasscock, PhD; F. Kizek, BS; M. Parkinson, BS
- A Brazilian SCN8A-related Epilepsy Cohort
- C. Cukiert, MD, MSc; V. Lessa, MD; J. Vieira, MD; J. Oliveira, MD; J. Burattini, MD; R. Guimaraes, MD; A. Cukiert, PhD, MsC, MD
- 5-HT2A/C Receptor Located in the Basolateral Amygdala Is Involved in Seizure-induced Respiratory Arrest in DBA/1 Mice SUDEP Models
- Y. Wang, BS; Q. Xu, BS; Y. Shen, BS; L. Gu, PhD; H. Zhang, PhD
- The Contribution of 5-ht2c Receptor in Non-fatal Ventilatory Alterations in Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in Rat
- H. Kouchi, PhD; J. Smith, PhD; B. Georges; L. Bezin, PhD; S. Rheims, MD, PhD
- Suicidality in Adolescents with Newly Diagnosed Focal Epilepsy: A Potentially Persistent Comorbidity
- H. Greenwood; M. Ferrer Socorro; N. Jandhyala; D. Dlugos; K. Park; L. Thio; J. Pellinen; A. Kanner; J. French
- Pre-treatment with SSRIs and 5-HT2 Agonists Have Distinct Temporal and Sleep State-dependent Effects on Post-ictal Breathing in Amygdala Kindled Mice
- K. Joyal; A. Petrucci; M. Littlepage-Saunders; N. Boodhoo; L. Wendt; G. Buchanan
- Multi-unit and Juxtacellular Recording of Cholinergic Activity in the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert in an Awake Mouse Temporal Lobe Seizure Model
- S. Liu; M. Valcarce-Aspegren; L. Sieu; W. Khan; A. Duque; S. Mcgill; J. Liu; H. Blumenfeld
- Potential SUDEP Detection and Notification using Open-Source Hardware/Software
- S. McKweon
- Increased survival in DBA/2J audiogenic seizure-prone mice after oxygen enrichment immediately before the tonic phase
- R. Kollmar; A. Kansal; S. Schild; K. Sundaram; J. Silverman; M. Stewart
- Opto- and Chemogenetic Dissection of the Neural Circuitry of Ictal Apnea
- I. Wenker; A. Boscia; C. Lewis; M. Patel; A. Tariq
- Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy After Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy
- B. Esmaeili; S. Hakimian; A. Ko; J. Hauptman; J. Ojemann; J. Miller; S. Tobochnik
- Children with Longstanding Epilepsy Have Progressively Increasing Odds for Minor ST/T Wave Changes on Electrocardiography
- B. Bartlett; C. Miyake; A. Anderson; L. Dervan; S. Watson; Y. Lai
- Time-of-day-dependent Variability in Seizure-induced Death Is Eliminated in Serotonin Neuron Deficient Mice
- B. Kreitlow; G. Buchanan
- Intra-individual Variability of Hypercapnic Ventilatory Response over Time in Patients with Epilepsy
- R. Sainju; D. Dragon; J. Kuhn; P. Ten Eyck; G. Richerson; B. Gehlbach
- Characteristics Predictive of Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents with Focal Epilepsy
- M. Ferrer; H. Greenwood; N. Jandhyala; J. Pellinen; K. Park; D. Dlugos; L. Thio; A. Kanner; J. French
- Partial Rescue of Seizures, Weight Gain, and SUDEP in the scn1b-/- developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy Mouse Model Using Aav-mediated Delivery of Sodium Channel β1 Subunits
- H. O’Malley; C. Chen; Y. Niibori; Y. Chen; D. Hampson; L. Isom
- Drowning in Children with Epilepsy
- H. Macleod; K. Burns; C. Cottengim; A. Erck Lambert; M. Faulkner; S. Geisler; S. Parks Brown; M. Russell; N. Tian; V. Whittemore; E. Buczkowski
- SUDEP Counseling Practices and Neuroethical Duty to Inform
- S. Alick-Lindstrom; R. Zepeda; M. Agostini; A. Doyle; J. Harvey; R. Hays; G. Perven; P. Venkatesh
- Phenotypic Reversal in Succinic Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase Deficiency (SSADHD) via Gene Restoration
- H. Lee; G. Mcginty; B. Welzel; Z. Zhang; S. Vermudez; C. Woolf; P. Pearl; A. Rotenberg
- Differential Kindling-induced Mortality and Serotonin Pathway Protein Expression in Alzheimer’s Disease-associated Mouse Models
- A. Del Pozo; K. Knox; L. Lehmann; S. Davidson; M. Barker-Haliski
- Evaluation of a Potential Mechanism of SUDEP in a Mouse Model of Dravet Syndrome
- M. Goh; C. Metcalf; P. West; C. Deering-Rice
- Seizure-induced Neuronal Plasticity in Apnea and Death
- A. Brodovskaya; H. Sun; N. Adotevi; I. Wenker; I. Tucker; K. Mitchell; R. Clements; J. Kapur
- Odorant Exposure Decreases Mortality in a Dravet Syndrome Mouse Model
- M. Hannaalla; R. Huffman; B. Owen; W. Nobis
- Mortality in Children and Young Adults with Epilepsy – Review of Electronic Health Records at Multiple Centers via the Pediatric Epilepsy Learning Healthcare System
- N. Basma; E. Axeen; S. Bhalla; J. Coryell; D. Friedman; W. Gaillard; H. Goodkin; K. Gurcharran; T. Loddenkemper; J. Mbwana; L. Morgan; A. Patel; R. Shellhaas; N. Singhal; J. Wagner; M. Zafar; Z. Grinspan
- Seizures in Dementia Are Associated with Worse Clinical Outcomes, Higher Mortality Rates and Shorter Lifespans
- I. Zawar; M. Quigg; C. Manning; J. Kapur
- Human Arousal Pathways for Homeostatic Rescue from Postictal Generalized EEG Suppression: A Thalamocortical SEEG Study
- Y. Vakilna; C. Ganne; O. Alamoudi; E. Toth; K. Riley; J. Mosher; S. Lhatoo; S. Pati
- Comparison of Three Types of Epilepsy Surgery for the Treatment of Refractory Status Epilepticus
- S. Khan; S. Mathias; F. Mirza
- Intracranial Post-ictal Attenuation (IPA) Is Associated with Ongoing Generalized Tonic-clonic Seizures (GTCs) in Patients Implanted with Responsive Neurostimulator (RNS)
- F. Rocha-Cabrero; A. Zolyan; R. Yasin; K. Ndyabawe; E. Mirro; M. Vick; J. Lin; J. Kennedy; I. Sen-Gupta
- Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and SUDEP Risk in Epilepsy – A Retrospective Study from a Canadian Tertiary Care Referral Center
- M. Lazaj; A. Johnson; G. Winston; L. Lomax; G. Shukla
- Time Is Brain: Improving Early Access to Antiseizure Medications During Status Epilepticus in the Pediatric Population
- L. Morris; M. Elkhooly; J. Frakes; K. Maney; E. Sterrett; M. Zafar
- Autoimmune Encephalitis Presenting as New Onset Refractory Status Epilepticus After SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine
- R. Budhiraja; W. Rodriguez; C. Laohathai; D. Weber
- Phenytoin Induced off Target Potassium Channel Blockade and Prolonged Cardiac Repolarization (QTc) in a Rabbit Model of Long QT Syndrome Type 2
- H. Adebiyi; K. Wagner; M. Kimmich; J. Jost; D. Auerbach
- AI Derived Seizure Detection in Neonates: A Comparison of Channel Sampling Montages
- M. Mcmanis; F. Perkins
- Pro-ictal State in Human Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- A. Ilyas; O. Alamoudi; S. Pati; K. Riley
- Vigilance-related Alterations in the Functional Connectivity of Arousal and Autonomic Structures
- H. Pourmotabbed; C. Martin; S. Goodale; J. Jiang; G. Johnson; D. Doss; H. Kang; V. Morgan; D. Englot; C. Chang
- Seizure Forecasting and Detection with Wearable Devices and Subcutaneous EEG – Preliminary Results from the EF My Seizure Gauge Consortium
- B. Brinkmann; E. Nurse; P. Viana; M. Nasseri; P. Karoly; T. Pal Attia; R. Stirling; N. Gregg; J. Cui; B. Joseph; C. Grzekowiak; M. Duempelmann; M. Cook; G. Worrell; A. Schulze-Bonhage; M. Richardson; D. Freestone
- Epilepsy Transition of Care in Dravet Syndrome
- F. Nascimento E Silva; S. Yap; I. Sheikh; V. Hood; M. Meskis; E. Thiele
- Wearables in the Real-world. Long-term Monitoring of Patients with Focal Epilepsy Using Two EEG Channels
- J. Macea Ortiz; W. Van Paesschen; M. Bhagubai; M. De Vos
- cEEG Features May Serve as Markers of Response and Indicators of Outcome in Children with NORSE/FIRES Treated Anakinra
- Y. Lai; E. Muscal; J. Riviello
- Rabbit Model of Long QT Syndrome Type 2 Exhibits Neuro-cardiac Electrical Abnormalities and SUDEP
- K. Wagner; J. Ryan; D. Auerbach
- Sex and Temporal Influences on the Developmental Trajectory of Epilepsy in a Mouse Model of Dravet Syndrome
- M. Hameed; S. Vermudez; B. Hui; R. Lin; G. Mcginty; A. Rotenberg
- Seizure Detection and Feature Explainability from Long-term Trends in Wearable Data and Deep Learning
- C. Meisel; T. Loddenkemper; S. Vieluf; M. Halimeh
- Biomarkers of SUDEP in the DBA/1 Mouse: blood Oxygen Levels vs. Electrocardiogram
- C. Faingold; S. Tupal
- Amygdala Circuit Involved in Apnea Induction in scn1ar1407x/+ and scn8an1768d/+ Mice, Possible Link to SUDEP
- E. Bravo; B. Dlouhy; G. Richerson; M. Crotts
- Respiratory and Cardiac Dysfunction During Spontaneous Tonic-clonic Seizures Initiated in Rat Hippocampi
- K. Liska; A. Pant; J. Jefferys
- The Effect of Antiseizure Medications and Cardioprotective Drugs on Cardiac Remodelling in a Post-status Epilepticus Rat Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- Z. Liu; E. Braine; B. Wang; P. Perucca; S. Sivathamboo; N. Jones; T. O’Brien; P. Casillas-Espinosa
- Towards the Development of a Wearable Seizure Prediction System Based on Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis
- S. Vieluf; T. Hasija; M. Kuschel; T. Loddenkemper; C. Reinsberger
- Improved Seizure Detection Using Wearable Sensors and Machine Learning
- M. Jackson; S. Yu; R. El Atrache; J. Tang; A. Makarucha; S. Cantley; T. Sheehan; S. Vieluf; B. Zhang; J. Rogers; I. Mareels; C. Meisel; S. Harrer; T. Loddenkemper
- Disparities in Morbidity and Mortality in Adults with Status Epilepticus in the USA: 2010-2019
- G. Tantillo; D. Dongarwar; C. Venkatasubba Rao; A. Johnson; S. Camey; O. Reyes; M. De Pary Baroni; J. Kapur; H. Salihu; N. Jette
- Detection of the Epileptic Heart with Established Cardiac Markers in EMU Admission 12-lead Ecgs
- T. Pang; C. Yu; Y. Rodriguez; A. Tran; B. Nearing; S. Schachter; R. Verrier
- Metabolic Alterations in Brainstem: An Underlying Pathomechanism of SUDEP in Dravet Syndrome?
- A. Sri Hari; C. Metcalf; M. Goh
- Acute SSRI Administration Improves Gasping, Autoresuscitation, and Survival in Seizing Rats
- H. Ajieren; R. Budde; M. Williams; P. Irazoqui
Basic Research
- Neocortical parvalbumin-positive fast-spiking GABAergic interneurons exhibit persistent deficits in axonal function in an experimental mouse model of Dravet syndrome (Scn1a+/- mice)
- Authors: Keisuke Kaneko, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Ethan Goldberg – Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
- 5HT2A receptor antagonist ketanserin reversed the suppressant effects of 5-HTP on seizure-induced respiratory arrest in the DBA/1 mouse SUDEP model
- Authors: Yue Shen, Zhejiang University School of Medicine; HaiXiang Ma – Zhejiang Chinese Medical University; XiTing Lian – Zhejiang University School of Medicine; LeYuan Gu – Zhejiang Chinese Medical University; Qian yu – Zhejiang Chinese Medical University; Jianliang Sun – Zhejiang University School of Medicine; Yi Shen – Zhejiang University School of Medicine; Yu Dong Zhou – Zhejiang University School of Medicine; HongHai Zhang – Zhejiang University School of Medicine
- The Effect of Serotonergic Neurotransmission and Sleep State on Breathing During and After Kindled Seizures
- Authors: Katelyn Joyal, University of Iowa; Alexandra Petrucci – University of Iowa; Mydirah Littlepage-Saunders – University of Iowa; Gordon Buchanan – University of Iowa
- A ketogenic diet increases latency to seizure-induced respiratory arrest in DBA/1 mice
- Authors: Megan Crotts, University of Iowa, The National Institite of Neurologic Diesease and Stroke Center for SUDEP Research; Frida Teran – University of Iowa, The NINDS Center for SUDEP Research; Eduardo Bravo – University of Iowa; George Richerson – University of Iowa
- 5-HT2A Receptors Are Implicated in Seizure-Induced Respiratory Arrest in DBA/1 Mice
- Authors: Yundan Pan, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School; Zheren Tan – Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School; Hua-Jun Feng – Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
- Evaluation of Potential Mechanisms of SUDEP in a Mouse Model of Dravet Syndrome
- Authors: Min-Jee Goh, University of Utah; Ana Beatriz DePaula-Silva – University of Utah; E. Jill Dahle – University of Utah; Glenna Wallis – University of Utah; Laura Bell – University of Utah; Cameron S. Metcalf – University of Utah
- Galanin Agonists as a Novel Neurotherapeutic Strategy for SUDEP
- Author: Cameron Metcalf, University of Utah
- Altered excitability of the brainstem vagus nerve dorsal motor nucleus in the Scn1b null mouse model of Dravet Syndrome
- Authors: Yukun Yuan, University of Michigan Medical School; Heather O’Malley – University of Michigan Medical School; Yan Chen – University of Michigan Medical School; Chunling Chen – University of Michigan Medical School; Larassa Robinson-Cooper – University of Michigan Medical School; Lori Isom – University of Michigan Medical School
- Heart-specific Kv1.1 deficiency impairs cardiac repolarization without altering lifespan, cardiac contractility, or arrythmia susceptibility
- Authors: Kelsey Paulhus, Southern Methodist University; Krystle Trosclair – Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Man Si – Southern Methodist University; Megan Watts – Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Kathryn Hamilton – Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Shenuarin Bhuiyan – Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Paari Dominic – Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Edward Glasscock – Southern Methodist University
- Activation of Oxygen-Conserving Reflexes during Seizures as a Mechanism for Sudden Death
- Authors: Ryan Budde, Purdue University; Ethan Biggs – Purdue University; John Jefferys – Oxford University; Pedro Irazoqui – Purdue University
- Early postnatal mTOR inhibitor treatment in a mouse model of TSC with epilepsy delays onset of hyperexcitability, epilepsy, and mortality
- Authors: Luis Martinez, Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine; Wai Ling Lee – Baylor College of Medicine; Gabriella D’Arcangelo – Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience, Rutgers State University of New Jersey; Xiaolong Jiang – Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine; Anne Anderson – Baylor College of Medicine
- Gas challenge tests unmask risks for sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) and non-SUDEP fatalities in Leigh syndrome
- Authors: Angela Bard, Seattle Children’s Research Institute; Jiyun Ryu – Seattle Children’s Research Institute; Franck Kalume – Seattle Children’s Research Institute, University of Washington
- Persistent cardiac arrhythmias in long-term recordings following intrahippocampal kainate induction of status epilepticus in mice
- Authors: Amber Levine, Baylor College of Medicine; Heather Born – Baylor College of Medicine; Yi-Chen Lai – Baylor College of Medicine; Anne Anderson – Baylor College of Medicine
- Central Apnea and Seizures in a COVID-19 Pediatric Patient
- Authors: Stephanie Enner, Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Sanaya Hormozdyaran – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Robin Varughese – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Jennifer Milillo – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Ivan Pavkovic – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Emma Laureta – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; James Schneider – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Sanjeev Kothare – Cohen Children’s Medical Center
- Seizure-induced activation of the HPA axis worsens epilepsy outcomes and comorbidities
- Authors: Trina Basu, Tufts University; Pantelis Antonodiou – Tufts University; Jamie Maguire – Tufts University
- Scn1b deletion results in sinoatrial node dysfunction, atrial remodeling, and increased susceptibility to atrial fibrillation in addition to developmental and epileptic encephalopathy
- Authors: Nnamdi Edokobi, University of Michigan; Roberto Ramos-Mondragon – University of Michigan; Alexandra Bouza – University of Michigan; Chandrika Canugovi – University of Michigan; Lena Juratli – University of Michigan-Dearborn; Sami Noujaim – University of South Florida; Nageswara Madamanchi – University of Michigan; Marschall Runge – University of Michigan; Luis Lopez-Santiago – University of Michigan; Lori Isom – University of Michigan Medical School
- Heterogeneous Roles of the Central Amygdala (CeA) in postictal modulation of breathing and Induce Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP).
- Authors: Eduardo Bravo, University of Iowa; Anthony Marincovich – University of iowa; Frida Teran – University of Iowa, The NINDS Center for SUDEP Research; Megan Crotts – University of Iowa, The NINDS Center for SUDEP Research; George Richerson – University of Iowa
- Increased Propensity for Pharmacologically Induced Seizures and Sudden Death in Long QT Syndrome Rabbits
- Authors: Cameron Bosinski, State University of New York Upstate Medical University; Kyle Wagner – State University of New York Upstate Medical University; David Auerbach – State University of New York Upstate Medical University
- GTCS Semiology of Epileptic Baboons: Does Postictal Myoclonus Protect Baboons from SUDEP?
- Authors: Charles Szabo, University of Texas Health San Antonio; David Gonzalez – UT Health San Antonio; Sreekanth Koneru – UT Health San Antonio
- Scn8a N1768D/+ mice show impaired inter-ictal CO2 chemoreception and seizure-induced death due to central apnea
- Authors: Frida Teran, University of Iowa, The National Institute of Neurologic Disorders and Stroke Center for SUDEP Research; Eduardo Bravo – University of Iowa; George Richerson – University of Iowa
- Kv1.1 Potassium Channel Subunit Deficiency Alters Ventricular Repolarization, Arrhythmia Susceptibility, and Contractility
- Authors: Krystle Trosclair, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Man Si – Southern Methodist University; Megan Watts – Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Paari Dominic – Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Shenuarin Bhuiyan – Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Kathryn Hamilton – Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Edward Glasscock – Southern Methodist University
Clinical Research
- Derivation of Prediction Models for Early and Late Mortality in Epilepsy that Include Modifiable Risk Factors Using Electronic Health Records
- Authors: Marianne Hrabok, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Jordan Engbers – Desid Labs Inc; Samuel Wiebe – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Tolulope Sajobi – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Ann Subota – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Amal Almohawes – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Paolo Federico – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Alexandra Hanson – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Karl Martin Klein – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Joseph Peedicail – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Neelan Pillay – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Shaily Singh – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Colin Josephson – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
- Identifying cardiac genetic biomarkers to predict the risk of sudden unexplained death in epilepsy
- Authors: Ming Soh, The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Melbourne; Richard Bagnall – Molecular Cardiology Program, Centenary Institute; Lauren Bleakley – The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Melbourne; A. Marie Phillips – The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Melbourne; Chaseley Mckenzie – The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Melbourne; Erlina Mohamed Syazwan – The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Melbourne; Christopher Semsarian – Molecular Cardiology Program, Centenary Institute; Ingrid Scheffer – Epilepsy Research Centre, Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Austin Health, Heidelberg, VIC, Australia; Samuel Berkovic – Epilepsy Research Centre, Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Austin Health, Heidelberg, VIC, Australia; Christopher Reid – The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Melbourne
- Seizure Detection using Wearable Sensors and Machine Learning: Setting a Benchmark
- Authors: Jianbin Tang, IBM Research Australia; Rima El Atrache – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Umar Asif – IBM Research Australia; Michele Jackson – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Subhrajit Roy – IBM Research Australia; Theodore Sheehan – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Mahtab Mirmomeni – IBM Research Australia; Claire Ufongene – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Sarah Schubach – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Solveig Vieluf – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Christian Meisel – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Stefan Harrer – IBM Research Australia; Tobias Loddenkemper – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
- Population-Based Surveillance of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy using the Sudden Death in the Young Case Registry
- Authors: Vicky Whittemore, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health; Kristin M Burns – NIH; Michelle Udine – Children’s National Hospital; Esther Shaw – MPHI; Meghan Faulkner – MPHI; Niu Tian – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Predictor Risk Factors of In-patient Mortality in Status Epilepticus
- Authors: Nassim Naderi, University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston; Aditya Kumar – University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston; Louise McCullough – University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston
- Predictor Risk Factors of Acute Respiratory Failure in Status Epilepticus: Data from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS)
- Authors: Yvo Rodriguez, University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston; Niyousha Naderi – University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston; Shivika Chandra – University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston; Nassim Naderi – University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston
- Cardiac Mechanisms in Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) with DEPDC5 Loss-of-Function
- Yanting Zhao, University of Michigan; Helen Zhang – University of Michigan; Jack Parent – Michigan Medicine; Lori Isom – University of Michigan Medical School;
- Association Between Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizure and Cardiopulmonary Risk
- Authors: Yanting Zhao, University of Michigan; Helen Zhang – University of Michigan; Jack Parent – Michigan Medicine; Lori Isom – University of Michigan Medical School
- Apneas Persisting Beyond Amygdala Stimulation or Seizure Activity
- Authors: Gail Harmata, University of Iowa; Ariane Rhone – University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics; Christopher Kovach – University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics; Matthew Howard – University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics; George Richerson – University of Iowa; John Wemmie – University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics; Brian Dlouhy – University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics
- Ictal central apnea in patient with medically intractable epilepsy
- Authors: Katherine Schwartz, Rush University Medical Center; Antoaneta Balabanov – Rush University Medical Center; Alejandra Lastra – Rush University Medical Center
- Natural History of Mortality in Individuals with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
- Authors: Shridhar Parthasarathy, The College of New Jersey; Rajeshwari Mahalingam – Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery; Orrin Devinsky – New York University Langone Medical Center
- The prevalence of REM sleep onset seizures in a cohort of patients who died of SUDEP
- Authors: Lilach Goldstein, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital; Roozbeh Tarighati Rasekhi – Thomas Jefferson University Hospital; Michael Sperling – Thomas Jefferson University Hospital; Maromi Nei – Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
- Time of day is an inaccurate surrogate for sleep-wake state in the epilepsy monitoring unit
- Authors: Kevin Ha, University of Virginia; Andrew Schomer – University of Virginia; Juliana Leonardo – University of Virginia; Mark Quigg – University of Virginia
- Status Epilepticus: Inpatient Burden of Illness and Association with Disease Severity
- Authors: Elan Guterman, University of California, San Francisco; John Betjemann – University of California, San Francisco; Alex Aimetti – Marinus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Justin Li – Trinity Life Sciences; Zheng Wang – Trinity Life Sciences,; David Yin – Trinity Life Sciences; Joseph Hulihan – Marinus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Thomas Lyons – Marinus Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Radnor, PA; Gavin Miyasato – Trinity Life Sciences, Waltham, MA; Adam Strzelczyk -Goethe University
- Evaluating the risks for SUDEP at night: depth of sleep predicts postictal heart rate
- Authors: Andrew Schomer, University of Virginia; Morgan Lynch – University of Virginia; Juliana Leonardo – University of Virginia; Valentina Baljak – University of Virginia; Matthew Clark – Advanced Medical Predictive Devices; J Randall Moorman – University of Virginia; Jaideep Kapur – University of Virginia; Mark Quigg – University of Virginia
- Central Apnea and Seizures in a COVID-19 Pediatric Patient
- Authors: Stephanie Enner, Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Sanaya Hormozdyaran – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Robin Varughese – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Jennifer Milillo – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Ivan Pavkovic – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Emma Laureta – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; James Schneider – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Sanjeev Kothare – Cohen Children’s Medical Center
- Machine learning from wristband sensor data for wearable, non-invasive seizure forecasting
- Authors: Christian Meisel, Boston Children’s Hospital; Rima El Atrache – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Michele Jackson – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Sarah Schubach – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Claire Ufongene – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Tobias Loddenkemper – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
- Network localisation of cardiorespiratory dysfunction in focal epilepsy
- Authors: Eugenio Abela, King’s College London; Nira Futter – King’s College London; Andrea Biondi – King’s College London; Pedro Viana – King’s College London; Mark Richardson – King’s College London
- A Novel and Unexpected Marker of Risk for Seizures on EMU admission: Elevated EKG Heterogeneity
- Authors: Trudy Pang, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; Bruce Nearing – Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; Steven Schachter – Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; Richard Verrier – Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
- Autonomic Dysfunction Is More Prominent in Patients with Focal Rather Than with Generalized Epilepsy
- Authors: Alla Guekht, Moscow Research and Clinical Center for Neuropsychiatry; Anna Lebedeva – Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; Marina Lebedeva – Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology; Flora Rider – Moscow Research and Clinical Center for Neuropsychiatry; Yury Solomatin – Moscow Research and Clinical Center for Neuropsychiatry; Anna Teplyshova – Moscow Research and Clinical Center for Neuropsychiatry; Alexander Yakovlev – Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of Russian Academy of Sciences; Dmitry Zhuravlev – Moscow Research and Clinical Center for Neuropsychiatry; Max Hilz – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Other Research
- Screening for suicidality and its relation to undiagnosed psychiatric co-morbidities in children and youth with epilepsy
- Authors: Anjali Dagar, Cleveland Clinic; Amit Anand – Cleveland Clinic; Elia Pestana-Knight – Cleveland Clinic Epilepsy Center; Jane Timmons-Mitchell – Case western university; krystel Tossone – Case western university; Diane Zemba – Cleveland Clinic; Tatiana Falcone – Cleveland Clinic;
- Hospitalization costs and mortality in pediatric patients with drug-resistant epilepsy: vagus nerve stimulation therapy versus medical management
- Authors: Sandi Lam, Ann and Robert H Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago; Lu Zhang – Ann and Robert H Lurie Children’s Hospital; I-Wen Pan – MD Anderson Cancer Center
- Awareness and perception of first-aid methods for adult epilepsy patients and caregivers
- Authors: Rachel FY Wu, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong; Janet KT Wong – Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong; Ting Gee Annie Chiu – Queen Mary Hospital, The University of Hong Kong; William CY Leung – Queen Mary Hospital, The University of Hong Kong; YH Yuen – The University of Hong Kong; Cheuk Nam Rachel Lo – Queen Mary Hospital, The University of Hong Kong; Richard Shek-kwan Chang – Queen Mary Hospital, The University of Hong Kong
- Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy in a Canadian Centre: Our experience
- Authors: Ana Suller Marti, Western University; Jane Ding – Western University; Jorge G Burneo – Western University; Robert Hammond – Western University; Lee Cyn Ang – Western University; Qi Zhang – Western University
- Primary Care Provider Attitudes Regarding SUDEP in an Uninsured Population
- Authors: Julia Ghering, University of Arizona College of Medicine- Phoenix; Shahrzad Saririan – University of Arizona College of Medicine- Phoenix; Jeffrey Buchhalter – Epilepsy Foundation
- Quality Improvement Initiative to Reduce Fosphenytoin Administration Time for Status Epilepticus in the Emergency Department
- Authors: Jorge Vidaurre, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, The Ohio State University; Jackson Mittlesteadt – Nationwide Children’s Hospital; William Parker – Nationwide Children’s Hospital; Anup D. Patel – The Ohio State University and Nationwide Children’s Hospital; Dara Albert – Nationwide Children’s Hospital
- Readmissions for Cardiac and Non-cardiac Causes Among those with Epilepsy or Multiple Sclerosis
- Authors: H. Nicolas Lemus, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Downtown; Parul Agarwal – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Churl-Su Kwon – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Anusha Yeshokumar – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Mandip Dhamoon – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Madhu Mazumdar – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Nathalie Jette – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Award Winners
- Impact of Comorbid Sleep Disorders on Mortality Risk in Patients with Epilepsy
- M. Lazaj, MSc; G. Shukla, MBBS, MD, DM, FRCPC; L. Boissé Lomax, MD, MSc, FRCPC, CSCN; G. Winston, MD; A. Johnson, PhD; T. Derry, BScH
- Disruption of Adenosine Metabolism in Mice Increases Risk of Seizure-Induced Death Despite Decreased Seizure Severity: Implications for SUDEP
- B. Purnell, PhD; B. Rust, BS; J. Bhasin; T. Lu; S. George; K. Bah, BS; D. Fedele, PhD; D. Boison, PhD
- Altered PI3K/mTOR Signaling Within the Forebrain Leads to Respiratory Deficits in a Mouse Model of SUDEP
- P. Woller, BS; M. Rice, BS; D. Tiwari, PhD; C. Gross, PhD; S. Crone, PhD
Basic Mechanisms
- Dysfunction of Central and Peripheral Circadian Clock Genes in Models of Absence and Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- P. Casillas-Espinosa, MD, PhD; G. Yamakawa, PhD; R. Lin, PhD; R. Mychasiuk, PhD; T. O’Brien, MD, PhD
- Reduced GABA Uptake and Altered GABAergic Neurotransmission in Slc6a1(S295L) Knock-In Mouse Associated with Epileptic Encephalopathy
- K. Zavalin, PhD; M. DeLeeuw, MS; K. Randhave, BS; J. Kang, MD
- Abnormal Parvalbumin-Positive Interneuron Excitability in a Novel Mouse Model of Epileptic Encephalopathy Due to a Recurrent Kcnc1-p.A421V Variant
- E. Wengert, PhD; M. Cheng, NA; E. Goldberg, MD, PhD
- Effects of N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) Antagonists or an Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARB) on Seizure-Induced Respiratory Arrest (S-IRA) in the DBA/1 Mouse Model of SUDEP
- C. Faingold, PhD; S. Louis, MS
- Effects of Periaqueductal Gray (PAG) Stimulation on Respiration in the DBA/1 Mouse Model of SUDEP
- C. Faingold, PhD; S. Louis, MS
- Glycinergic Neurons Contribute to Features of Dravet Syndrome
- B. Milla, MS; D. Mulkey, PhD
- Altered Kcnh2/Kv11.1 Expression in the Brain and Heart, and Prolongation of Cardiac Repolarization in a Rabbit Model of Long QT Syndrome with Seizures
- K. Wagner, BS; D. Auerbach, PhD; R. Ebrahimi, MS; K. Keller, MS; J. Ryan, PhD; R. Wojcikiewicz, PhD
- Opto and Chemogenetic Dissection of Neural Circuitry Involved in Seizure-Induced Apnea
- I. Wenker, PhD; M. Patel, PhD
- Neuronal Plasticity Leads to Seizure-Induced Apnea
- A. Brodovskaya, PhD; N. Adotevi, PhD; J. Kapur, MD, PhD
- Genetic Mapping Using Collaborative Cross Mice Resource Identifies Novel Candidate Genes of SUDEP Susceptibility
- B. Gu, PhD; J. Xenakis, PhD; T. Shannon, BS; T. Bell, PhD; B. Philpot, PhD; F. Pardo Manuel de Villena, PhD
- Time-of-Day Dependent Mortality from Spontaneous Seizures Persists in Constant Darkness in the Scn1aR1407X/+ Mouse Model of Dravet Syndrome
- B. Kreitlow, MS; A. Novella Maciel; A. Hernandez-Vasquez; G. Buchanan, MD, PhD
- Apnoeas and Diaphragm EMG During Spontaneous Tonic-Clonic Seizures in a Rat Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- K. Liska, PhD; A. Pant; B. Krajcovic, PhD; J. Jefferys, PhD, FAES, FMedSc
- Brainstem “failure” and the window for resuscitation after respiratory arrest in rats
- R Gurevich; C Joseph; A Daniels; R Kollmar, PhD; N Cipriano; E Cohen; S Tominaga, MD; KSundaram, MD; J Silverman, MD, PhD, and M Stewart, MD, PhD
Translational Research
- Failure to Breathe Persists Without Air Hunger or Alarm Following Amygdala Seizures
- A. Rhone, PhD; C. Kovach, PhD; S. Kumar, PhD; M. Mowla, PhD; G. Richerson, MD, PhD; J. Wemmie, MD, PhD; B. Dlouhy, MD
- Stability of Hypercapnic Ventilatory Response on Repeated Measurements over Time in Patients with Epilepsy
- R. Sainju, MBBS; D. Dragon, BS; J. Kuhn, RRT; J. Michelson, RRT; L. Wendt, MS; P. Ten Eyck, PhD; G. Richerson, MD, PhD; B. Gehlbach, MD
- Cardiac Electrical Function Surrounding Seizures in Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut Syndromes
- J. Ryan, PhD; A. Aschner, PhD; E. Donner, MD, MSc, FRCPC; D. Auerbach, PhD
- Personalization of SUDEP Risk: A Survey of Transient Subclinical Comorbidities
- K. Simeone, PhD; D. Martenz, BS; S. Iyer, MS; S. Matthews, MS; E. Donner, MD; S. Lhatoo, MD; T. Simeone, PhD
- Reduced Epilepsy Morbidity and Mortality upon Gene Replacement Therapy in Succinic Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase Deficiency (SSADHD)
- A. Liebhardt, BS; G. McGinty, BS; P. Pearl, MD; G. Gao, PhD; H. Lee, MPhil, PhD; A. Rotenberg, MD, PhD
- Use of Pharmacokinetics to Establish an Optimal Dosing Regimen for a Triple-drug Therapy in a Mouse Model of Dravet Syndrome
- J. Mensah, MS; K. Johnson, BS; C. Metcalf, PhD; C. Reilly, PhD; J. Rower, PhD; K. Wilcox, PhD
- Spontaneous Epileptiform Discharges in a Genetic Rabbit Model of Kcnh2-Mediated Seizures, Long QT Syndrome, and Sudden Death
- V. Singh, BS; K. Wagner, BS; J. Ryan, PhD; D. Auerbach, PhD
- Beta-blocker Atenolol Reduces Cardiac-mediated Mortality in Preclinical Mouse Model of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy
- M. Soh, PhD; E. Mohamed Syazwan, BSci (Hons); A. Kuanyshbek, MD; H. Lee, MD; C. McKenzie, BSci (Hons); M. Phillips, PhD; L. Bleakley, PhD; I. Scheffer, MD, PhD; S. Berkovic, MD; C. Semsarian, MD, PhD; C. Reid, PhD
- Identifying Children with Febrile Seizures at Risk for Sudden Death
- L. Gould, MSc, MA, PT; O. Devinsky, MD; T. Wisniewski, MD; E. Oermann, MD
- Creation of Data Standardization Tools to Improve Translation of Preclinical Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) Research
- L. Harte-Hargrove, PhD; L. Lubbers, PhD
- Circadian Rhythm and Sleep in Focal Epilepsy
- K. Ernst, MD; B. Erhard; J. Rémi, Reviewer
- Insights from Neuropixel Recording in the Respiratory Brainstem in Acute Kainate Rodent Seizing Deaths
- R. Budde, BS; L. RoaFiore, BS, MS; P. Irazoqui, PhD
- Increased GABAergic Neuronal Activity in the Lateral Septum Is Associated with Cortical Slow Waves and Impaired Consciousness in an Awake Mouse Model of Temporal Lobe Seizures
- J. Liu, PhD; H. Blumenfeld, PhD, MD; S. Liu, BS; L. Sieu, PhD
Clinical Epilepsy
- Data Collection System for Seizure Monitoring with Wearable Sensors
- M. Jackson, BA; J. Tang, PhD; X. Wang, MD, PhD; R. El Atrache, MD; T. Sheehan, BS; S. Cantley, BS; S. Yu, PhD; U. Asif, PhD; J. Rogers, PhD; I. Mareels, PhD; S. Harrer, PhD; T. Loddenkemper, MD
- Ictal Asystole: Epilepsy, Arrhythmia, or Syncope?
- J. Wiseman, MD; C. Richardson-Olivier, MD; A. Potash, MD; N. Medvinsky, NP; J. Bluvstein, MD; J. Paolicchi, MD
- EMBRAVE: A Clinical Trial of PRAX-222, a Novel Antisense Oligonucleotide, in Pediatric Participants with Early Onset SCN2A Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy
- S. Frizzo, MD; B. Spar, BS; K. dalby, MEd; D. Patel, MBBS, MPH; H. Jacotin, MD; M. souza, PharmD, MBA; S. Petrou, PhD
- Exploring the Relationship Between Epilepsy and Epileptic Heart: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
- C. Torres Romero, MD; P. Romaña Espíritu, MD; J. Macías de la Cruz, MD; V. Gómez Arias, MD; C. Ixcamparij Rosales, MD; C. González Gutiérrez, MD; L. Núñez Orozco, MD; I. Martínez Juárez, MD, MSc
- Causal Connectivity of the Amygdala Inhibition of Respiration (AIR) Site to Whole Brain Using Concurrent Electrical Stimulation and fMRI (esfMRI)
- S. Kumar, PhD; H. Oya, MD; A. Rhone, PhD; C. Kovach, PhD; M. Mowla, PhD; A. Chan, MD; J. Wemmie, MD; G. Richerson, MD; B. Dlouhy, MD
- Elevated Mortality Rate in Patients with Functional Seizures After Diagnosis and Referral
- N. Robinson-Mayer, LMSW; E. Patterson, PhD; I. O’Sullivan, BA; f. Hobatch, BA; K. Darpel, MD; P. Patel, MD; G. Winder, MD; N. Beimer, MD; W. Kerr, MD
Anti-seizure medication
- Stiripentol Efficacy Against SUDEP and SE-associated Mortality
- A. Bacq, PhD; A. Robert, MS; P. Cloarec, MS; I. Heulard, MS; C. Lesueur, MS; E. Simon O’Brien, PhD; P. Girard, PhD; V. Castagné, PhD
- Effect of Stiripentol on Lethal Audiogenic Seizures in the LAGS+ Selected Mouse Line Used as a Model of SUDEP
- B. Martin, PhD; G. Dieuset, MS; A. Biraben, MD
- EMBOLD: A Clinical Trial of PRAX-562 in Subjects with Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathies Followed by an Open-Label Extension
- B. Pfister, PhD, MBA; B. Spar, BS; K. Dalby, MEd; S. Frizzo, MD; D. Patel, MBBS, MPH; H. Jacotin, MD; S. Petrou, PhD; M. Souza, PharmD, MBA
- Evaluation of Electrodermal and Cardiac Activity from Wearables Before and After Anti-Seizure Medication Intake
- F. Mohammad Alizadeh Chafjiri, MD; E. Peter, BA; L. Voke, BS; S. Cantley, BA; M. Jackson, BA; S. Vieluf, PhD; T. Loddenkemper, MD
Dietary therapy
- Dietary Whey Reduces Mortality in a Dravet Syndrome Mouse Model of SUDEP by Promoting Recovery from Apnea
- E. Bravo, PhD; F. Teran, MD, PhD; Y. Kim, PhD; A. Kelley; M. Crotts; C. Enyart; J. Kasuya, PhD; T. Kitamoto, PhD; G. Richerson, MD, PhD
Health services
- Communication About Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy
- K. Maney, MD; I. Pallotto, MPH; S. Bansal, BS; R. Shellhaas, MD,MS; S. Patel, MD; Z. Grinspan, MD; J. Buchhalter, MD, PhD; E. Donner, MD, MSc, FRCPC; G. Lapham, MPH, RN; T. Stanton, MPP; M. Lemmon, MD
- Bridging the Gap Between Neurologists and People with Epilepsy/Caregivers: Systematic Literature Review About SUDEP Conversations
- J. Luker, BA (Hons); P. Ryvlin, MD; T. Stanton, MPS; S. Shaw, PhD; K. Mearns, MBiochem
- The Incidence of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) in Ireland
- Y. Langan, MD, MRCPI; E. Lynn, PhD
- Impact of Day of Admission on Mortality and Other Outcomes in Status Epilepticus: A Nationwide Analysis
- A. Sawalha, MD; K. Sawalha, MD
Public health
- SUDEP in Historically Minoritized Patient Groups: Using Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Crisis to Develop a Proactive Prevention Model
- H. Bender, PhD; R. Beattey, JD, PhD; G. Meli, BS; A. Sacks-Zimmerman, PhD; K. Katsman, MA; J. Spat-Lemus, PhD
Accepted and not able to attend PAME
- Sex-based Effects on Mitochondrial Function in a Mouse Model of Dravet Syndrome
- J. Aldridge, BS; A. Franklin, BS; C. Frasier, PhD
- Mitochondrial Deficits May Support SUDEP in a Murine Pilocarpine Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- C. Frasier, PhD; J. Aldridge, BS; A. Franklin, BS
- Eavesdropping on Thalamo-Cardiac Interactions During Seizures and Sleep for Biomarker Discovery of SUDEP Vulnerable Periods
- A. Kachhvah, PhD; Y. Vakilna, MS; O. Alamoudi, PhD; S. Suresh, MBBS; S. Pati, MD
- Decreased Cholinergic Neuronal Activity in a Mouse Model of Impaired Consciousness in Temporal Lobe Seizures
- S. Liu, BS; P. Paszkowski; L. Sieu, PhD; J. Liu, PhD; M. Valcarce-Aspegren, MD; W. Khan, MD; S. Mcgill, PhD; D. Lee; A. Duque, MD; H. Blumenfeld, MD, PhD
- Prediction of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy in Dravet Syndrome Mice by Non-Invasive Behavioral Monitoring at a Pre-Epileptic Age
- Y. Niibori, PhD; D. Hampson, PhD
- Functional Connectivity of Arousal Structures Across Vigilance States: Relationship to Impaired Neurocognition in Epilepsy
- H. Pourmotabbed, MS; C. Martin, BS; S. Goodale, BS; D. Doss, BS; J. Shless, BS; S. Wang, MS; V. Morgan, PhD; D. Englot, MD, PhD; C. Chang, PhD
- Short-term Effects of Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation on T-Wave Alternans in People with Epilepsy
- J. Pukropski, MD; J. Baumann, PhD; A. Jordan, MD; R. von Wrede, MD; R. Surges, Prof
- Kv3.1 Potentiation Mitigates Seizures in a Mouse Dravet Syndrome Model
- S. Vermudez, PhD; R. Lin, MS; G. McGinty, BS; A. Liebhardt, BS; B. Hui, BS; H. Lee, PhD; M. Sahin, MD, PhD; A. Rotenberg, MD, PhD
- Age-Related Arousal Network Connectivity Changes in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- A. Gummadavelli, MD; D. Doss, BS; G. Johnson, PhD; J. Shless, BS; M. Jacobs, PsyD; K. Haas, MD, PhD; S. Bick, MD; D. Terry, PhD; C. Chang, PhD; V. Morgan, PhD; D. Englot, MD, PhD
- Complicated Effects of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors on Spontaneous Seizure-induced Mortality in Dravet Mice
- D. Min, BS; Y. Zhou, BS; E. Farrell, BS; H. Feng, PhD
- Unique Autonomic Circuit Contributions to Seizures, Cardiorespiratory Dysfunction, and Premature Mortality in the Kv1.1 Knockout Mouse Model of SUDEP
- K. Paulhus, BS, MS; E. Glasscock, PhD; F. Kizek, BS; M. Parkinson, BS
- A Brazilian SCN8A-related Epilepsy Cohort
- C. Cukiert, MD, MSc; V. Lessa, MD; J. Vieira, MD; J. Oliveira, MD; J. Burattini, MD; R. Guimaraes, MD; A. Cukiert, PhD, MsC, MD
- 5-HT2A/C Receptor Located in the Basolateral Amygdala Is Involved in Seizure-induced Respiratory Arrest in DBA/1 Mice SUDEP Models
- Y. Wang, BS; Q. Xu, BS; Y. Shen, BS; L. Gu, PhD; H. Zhang, PhD
- The Contribution of 5-ht2c Receptor in Non-fatal Ventilatory Alterations in Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in Rat
- H. Kouchi, PhD; J. Smith, PhD; B. Georges; L. Bezin, PhD; S. Rheims, MD, PhD
- Suicidality in Adolescents with Newly Diagnosed Focal Epilepsy: A Potentially Persistent Comorbidity
- H. Greenwood; M. Ferrer Socorro; N. Jandhyala; D. Dlugos; K. Park; L. Thio; J. Pellinen; A. Kanner; J. French
- Pre-treatment with SSRIs and 5-HT2 Agonists Have Distinct Temporal and Sleep State-dependent Effects on Post-ictal Breathing in Amygdala Kindled Mice
- K. Joyal; A. Petrucci; M. Littlepage-Saunders; N. Boodhoo; L. Wendt; G. Buchanan
- Multi-unit and Juxtacellular Recording of Cholinergic Activity in the Nucleus Basalis of Meynert in an Awake Mouse Temporal Lobe Seizure Model
- S. Liu; M. Valcarce-Aspegren; L. Sieu; W. Khan; A. Duque; S. Mcgill; J. Liu; H. Blumenfeld
- Potential SUDEP Detection and Notification using Open-Source Hardware/Software
- S. McKweon
- Increased survival in DBA/2J audiogenic seizure-prone mice after oxygen enrichment immediately before the tonic phase
- R. Kollmar; A. Kansal; S. Schild; K. Sundaram; J. Silverman; M. Stewart
- Opto- and Chemogenetic Dissection of the Neural Circuitry of Ictal Apnea
- I. Wenker; A. Boscia; C. Lewis; M. Patel; A. Tariq
- Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy After Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy
- B. Esmaeili; S. Hakimian; A. Ko; J. Hauptman; J. Ojemann; J. Miller; S. Tobochnik
- Children with Longstanding Epilepsy Have Progressively Increasing Odds for Minor ST/T Wave Changes on Electrocardiography
- B. Bartlett; C. Miyake; A. Anderson; L. Dervan; S. Watson; Y. Lai
- Time-of-day-dependent Variability in Seizure-induced Death Is Eliminated in Serotonin Neuron Deficient Mice
- B. Kreitlow; G. Buchanan
- Intra-individual Variability of Hypercapnic Ventilatory Response over Time in Patients with Epilepsy
- R. Sainju; D. Dragon; J. Kuhn; P. Ten Eyck; G. Richerson; B. Gehlbach
- Characteristics Predictive of Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents with Focal Epilepsy
- M. Ferrer; H. Greenwood; N. Jandhyala; J. Pellinen; K. Park; D. Dlugos; L. Thio; A. Kanner; J. French
- Partial Rescue of Seizures, Weight Gain, and SUDEP in the scn1b-/- developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy Mouse Model Using Aav-mediated Delivery of Sodium Channel β1 Subunits
- H. O’Malley; C. Chen; Y. Niibori; Y. Chen; D. Hampson; L. Isom
- Drowning in Children with Epilepsy
- H. Macleod; K. Burns; C. Cottengim; A. Erck Lambert; M. Faulkner; S. Geisler; S. Parks Brown; M. Russell; N. Tian; V. Whittemore; E. Buczkowski
- SUDEP Counseling Practices and Neuroethical Duty to Inform
- S. Alick-Lindstrom; R. Zepeda; M. Agostini; A. Doyle; J. Harvey; R. Hays; G. Perven; P. Venkatesh
- Phenotypic Reversal in Succinic Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase Deficiency (SSADHD) via Gene Restoration
- H. Lee; G. Mcginty; B. Welzel; Z. Zhang; S. Vermudez; C. Woolf; P. Pearl; A. Rotenberg
- Differential Kindling-induced Mortality and Serotonin Pathway Protein Expression in Alzheimer’s Disease-associated Mouse Models
- A. Del Pozo; K. Knox; L. Lehmann; S. Davidson; M. Barker-Haliski
- Evaluation of a Potential Mechanism of SUDEP in a Mouse Model of Dravet Syndrome
- M. Goh; C. Metcalf; P. West; C. Deering-Rice
- Seizure-induced Neuronal Plasticity in Apnea and Death
- A. Brodovskaya; H. Sun; N. Adotevi; I. Wenker; I. Tucker; K. Mitchell; R. Clements; J. Kapur
- Odorant Exposure Decreases Mortality in a Dravet Syndrome Mouse Model
- M. Hannaalla; R. Huffman; B. Owen; W. Nobis
- Mortality in Children and Young Adults with Epilepsy – Review of Electronic Health Records at Multiple Centers via the Pediatric Epilepsy Learning Healthcare System
- N. Basma; E. Axeen; S. Bhalla; J. Coryell; D. Friedman; W. Gaillard; H. Goodkin; K. Gurcharran; T. Loddenkemper; J. Mbwana; L. Morgan; A. Patel; R. Shellhaas; N. Singhal; J. Wagner; M. Zafar; Z. Grinspan
- Seizures in Dementia Are Associated with Worse Clinical Outcomes, Higher Mortality Rates and Shorter Lifespans
- I. Zawar; M. Quigg; C. Manning; J. Kapur
- Human Arousal Pathways for Homeostatic Rescue from Postictal Generalized EEG Suppression: A Thalamocortical SEEG Study
- Y. Vakilna; C. Ganne; O. Alamoudi; E. Toth; K. Riley; J. Mosher; S. Lhatoo; S. Pati
- Comparison of Three Types of Epilepsy Surgery for the Treatment of Refractory Status Epilepticus
- S. Khan; S. Mathias; F. Mirza
- Intracranial Post-ictal Attenuation (IPA) Is Associated with Ongoing Generalized Tonic-clonic Seizures (GTCs) in Patients Implanted with Responsive Neurostimulator (RNS)
- F. Rocha-Cabrero; A. Zolyan; R. Yasin; K. Ndyabawe; E. Mirro; M. Vick; J. Lin; J. Kennedy; I. Sen-Gupta
- Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and SUDEP Risk in Epilepsy – A Retrospective Study from a Canadian Tertiary Care Referral Center
- M. Lazaj; A. Johnson; G. Winston; L. Lomax; G. Shukla
- Time Is Brain: Improving Early Access to Antiseizure Medications During Status Epilepticus in the Pediatric Population
- L. Morris; M. Elkhooly; J. Frakes; K. Maney; E. Sterrett; M. Zafar
- Autoimmune Encephalitis Presenting as New Onset Refractory Status Epilepticus After SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine
- R. Budhiraja; W. Rodriguez; C. Laohathai; D. Weber
- Phenytoin Induced off Target Potassium Channel Blockade and Prolonged Cardiac Repolarization (QTc) in a Rabbit Model of Long QT Syndrome Type 2
- H. Adebiyi; K. Wagner; M. Kimmich; J. Jost; D. Auerbach
- AI Derived Seizure Detection in Neonates: A Comparison of Channel Sampling Montages
- M. Mcmanis; F. Perkins
- Pro-ictal State in Human Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- A. Ilyas; O. Alamoudi; S. Pati; K. Riley
- Vigilance-related Alterations in the Functional Connectivity of Arousal and Autonomic Structures
- H. Pourmotabbed; C. Martin; S. Goodale; J. Jiang; G. Johnson; D. Doss; H. Kang; V. Morgan; D. Englot; C. Chang
- Seizure Forecasting and Detection with Wearable Devices and Subcutaneous EEG – Preliminary Results from the EF My Seizure Gauge Consortium
- B. Brinkmann; E. Nurse; P. Viana; M. Nasseri; P. Karoly; T. Pal Attia; R. Stirling; N. Gregg; J. Cui; B. Joseph; C. Grzekowiak; M. Duempelmann; M. Cook; G. Worrell; A. Schulze-Bonhage; M. Richardson; D. Freestone
- Epilepsy Transition of Care in Dravet Syndrome
- F. Nascimento E Silva; S. Yap; I. Sheikh; V. Hood; M. Meskis; E. Thiele
- Wearables in the Real-world. Long-term Monitoring of Patients with Focal Epilepsy Using Two EEG Channels
- J. Macea Ortiz; W. Van Paesschen; M. Bhagubai; M. De Vos
- cEEG Features May Serve as Markers of Response and Indicators of Outcome in Children with NORSE/FIRES Treated Anakinra
- Y. Lai; E. Muscal; J. Riviello
- Rabbit Model of Long QT Syndrome Type 2 Exhibits Neuro-cardiac Electrical Abnormalities and SUDEP
- K. Wagner; J. Ryan; D. Auerbach
- Sex and Temporal Influences on the Developmental Trajectory of Epilepsy in a Mouse Model of Dravet Syndrome
- M. Hameed; S. Vermudez; B. Hui; R. Lin; G. Mcginty; A. Rotenberg
- Seizure Detection and Feature Explainability from Long-term Trends in Wearable Data and Deep Learning
- C. Meisel; T. Loddenkemper; S. Vieluf; M. Halimeh
- Biomarkers of SUDEP in the DBA/1 Mouse: blood Oxygen Levels vs. Electrocardiogram
- C. Faingold; S. Tupal
- Amygdala Circuit Involved in Apnea Induction in scn1ar1407x/+ and scn8an1768d/+ Mice, Possible Link to SUDEP
- E. Bravo; B. Dlouhy; G. Richerson; M. Crotts
- Respiratory and Cardiac Dysfunction During Spontaneous Tonic-clonic Seizures Initiated in Rat Hippocampi
- K. Liska; A. Pant; J. Jefferys
- The Effect of Antiseizure Medications and Cardioprotective Drugs on Cardiac Remodelling in a Post-status Epilepticus Rat Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- Z. Liu; E. Braine; B. Wang; P. Perucca; S. Sivathamboo; N. Jones; T. O’Brien; P. Casillas-Espinosa
- Towards the Development of a Wearable Seizure Prediction System Based on Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis
- S. Vieluf; T. Hasija; M. Kuschel; T. Loddenkemper; C. Reinsberger
- Improved Seizure Detection Using Wearable Sensors and Machine Learning
- M. Jackson; S. Yu; R. El Atrache; J. Tang; A. Makarucha; S. Cantley; T. Sheehan; S. Vieluf; B. Zhang; J. Rogers; I. Mareels; C. Meisel; S. Harrer; T. Loddenkemper
- Disparities in Morbidity and Mortality in Adults with Status Epilepticus in the USA: 2010-2019
- G. Tantillo; D. Dongarwar; C. Venkatasubba Rao; A. Johnson; S. Camey; O. Reyes; M. De Pary Baroni; J. Kapur; H. Salihu; N. Jette
- Detection of the Epileptic Heart with Established Cardiac Markers in EMU Admission 12-lead Ecgs
- T. Pang; C. Yu; Y. Rodriguez; A. Tran; B. Nearing; S. Schachter; R. Verrier
- Metabolic Alterations in Brainstem: An Underlying Pathomechanism of SUDEP in Dravet Syndrome?
- A. Sri Hari; C. Metcalf; M. Goh
- Acute SSRI Administration Improves Gasping, Autoresuscitation, and Survival in Seizing Rats
- H. Ajieren; R. Budde; M. Williams; P. Irazoqui
Basic Research
- Neocortical parvalbumin-positive fast-spiking GABAergic interneurons exhibit persistent deficits in axonal function in an experimental mouse model of Dravet syndrome (Scn1a+/- mice)
- Authors: Keisuke Kaneko, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Ethan Goldberg – Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
- 5HT2A receptor antagonist ketanserin reversed the suppressant effects of 5-HTP on seizure-induced respiratory arrest in the DBA/1 mouse SUDEP model
- Authors: Yue Shen, Zhejiang University School of Medicine; HaiXiang Ma – Zhejiang Chinese Medical University; XiTing Lian – Zhejiang University School of Medicine; LeYuan Gu – Zhejiang Chinese Medical University; Qian yu – Zhejiang Chinese Medical University; Jianliang Sun – Zhejiang University School of Medicine; Yi Shen – Zhejiang University School of Medicine; Yu Dong Zhou – Zhejiang University School of Medicine; HongHai Zhang – Zhejiang University School of Medicine
- The Effect of Serotonergic Neurotransmission and Sleep State on Breathing During and After Kindled Seizures
- Authors: Katelyn Joyal, University of Iowa; Alexandra Petrucci – University of Iowa; Mydirah Littlepage-Saunders – University of Iowa; Gordon Buchanan – University of Iowa
- A ketogenic diet increases latency to seizure-induced respiratory arrest in DBA/1 mice
- Authors: Megan Crotts, University of Iowa, The National Institite of Neurologic Diesease and Stroke Center for SUDEP Research; Frida Teran – University of Iowa, The NINDS Center for SUDEP Research; Eduardo Bravo – University of Iowa; George Richerson – University of Iowa
- 5-HT2A Receptors Are Implicated in Seizure-Induced Respiratory Arrest in DBA/1 Mice
- Authors: Yundan Pan, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School; Zheren Tan – Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School; Hua-Jun Feng – Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School
- Evaluation of Potential Mechanisms of SUDEP in a Mouse Model of Dravet Syndrome
- Authors: Min-Jee Goh, University of Utah; Ana Beatriz DePaula-Silva – University of Utah; E. Jill Dahle – University of Utah; Glenna Wallis – University of Utah; Laura Bell – University of Utah; Cameron S. Metcalf – University of Utah
- Galanin Agonists as a Novel Neurotherapeutic Strategy for SUDEP
- Author: Cameron Metcalf, University of Utah
- Altered excitability of the brainstem vagus nerve dorsal motor nucleus in the Scn1b null mouse model of Dravet Syndrome
- Authors: Yukun Yuan, University of Michigan Medical School; Heather O’Malley – University of Michigan Medical School; Yan Chen – University of Michigan Medical School; Chunling Chen – University of Michigan Medical School; Larassa Robinson-Cooper – University of Michigan Medical School; Lori Isom – University of Michigan Medical School
- Heart-specific Kv1.1 deficiency impairs cardiac repolarization without altering lifespan, cardiac contractility, or arrythmia susceptibility
- Authors: Kelsey Paulhus, Southern Methodist University; Krystle Trosclair – Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Man Si – Southern Methodist University; Megan Watts – Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Kathryn Hamilton – Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Shenuarin Bhuiyan – Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Paari Dominic – Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Edward Glasscock – Southern Methodist University
- Activation of Oxygen-Conserving Reflexes during Seizures as a Mechanism for Sudden Death
- Authors: Ryan Budde, Purdue University; Ethan Biggs – Purdue University; John Jefferys – Oxford University; Pedro Irazoqui – Purdue University
- Early postnatal mTOR inhibitor treatment in a mouse model of TSC with epilepsy delays onset of hyperexcitability, epilepsy, and mortality
- Authors: Luis Martinez, Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine; Wai Ling Lee – Baylor College of Medicine; Gabriella D’Arcangelo – Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience, Rutgers State University of New Jersey; Xiaolong Jiang – Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine; Anne Anderson – Baylor College of Medicine
- Gas challenge tests unmask risks for sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) and non-SUDEP fatalities in Leigh syndrome
- Authors: Angela Bard, Seattle Children’s Research Institute; Jiyun Ryu – Seattle Children’s Research Institute; Franck Kalume – Seattle Children’s Research Institute, University of Washington
- Persistent cardiac arrhythmias in long-term recordings following intrahippocampal kainate induction of status epilepticus in mice
- Authors: Amber Levine, Baylor College of Medicine; Heather Born – Baylor College of Medicine; Yi-Chen Lai – Baylor College of Medicine; Anne Anderson – Baylor College of Medicine
- Central Apnea and Seizures in a COVID-19 Pediatric Patient
- Authors: Stephanie Enner, Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Sanaya Hormozdyaran – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Robin Varughese – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Jennifer Milillo – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Ivan Pavkovic – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Emma Laureta – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; James Schneider – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Sanjeev Kothare – Cohen Children’s Medical Center
- Seizure-induced activation of the HPA axis worsens epilepsy outcomes and comorbidities
- Authors: Trina Basu, Tufts University; Pantelis Antonodiou – Tufts University; Jamie Maguire – Tufts University
- Scn1b deletion results in sinoatrial node dysfunction, atrial remodeling, and increased susceptibility to atrial fibrillation in addition to developmental and epileptic encephalopathy
- Authors: Nnamdi Edokobi, University of Michigan; Roberto Ramos-Mondragon – University of Michigan; Alexandra Bouza – University of Michigan; Chandrika Canugovi – University of Michigan; Lena Juratli – University of Michigan-Dearborn; Sami Noujaim – University of South Florida; Nageswara Madamanchi – University of Michigan; Marschall Runge – University of Michigan; Luis Lopez-Santiago – University of Michigan; Lori Isom – University of Michigan Medical School
- Heterogeneous Roles of the Central Amygdala (CeA) in postictal modulation of breathing and Induce Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP).
- Authors: Eduardo Bravo, University of Iowa; Anthony Marincovich – University of iowa; Frida Teran – University of Iowa, The NINDS Center for SUDEP Research; Megan Crotts – University of Iowa, The NINDS Center for SUDEP Research; George Richerson – University of Iowa
- Increased Propensity for Pharmacologically Induced Seizures and Sudden Death in Long QT Syndrome Rabbits
- Authors: Cameron Bosinski, State University of New York Upstate Medical University; Kyle Wagner – State University of New York Upstate Medical University; David Auerbach – State University of New York Upstate Medical University
- GTCS Semiology of Epileptic Baboons: Does Postictal Myoclonus Protect Baboons from SUDEP?
- Authors: Charles Szabo, University of Texas Health San Antonio; David Gonzalez – UT Health San Antonio; Sreekanth Koneru – UT Health San Antonio
- Scn8a N1768D/+ mice show impaired inter-ictal CO2 chemoreception and seizure-induced death due to central apnea
- Authors: Frida Teran, University of Iowa, The National Institute of Neurologic Disorders and Stroke Center for SUDEP Research; Eduardo Bravo – University of Iowa; George Richerson – University of Iowa
- Kv1.1 Potassium Channel Subunit Deficiency Alters Ventricular Repolarization, Arrhythmia Susceptibility, and Contractility
- Authors: Krystle Trosclair, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Man Si – Southern Methodist University; Megan Watts – Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Paari Dominic – Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Shenuarin Bhuiyan – Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Kathryn Hamilton – Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center; Edward Glasscock – Southern Methodist University
Clinical Research
- Derivation of Prediction Models for Early and Late Mortality in Epilepsy that Include Modifiable Risk Factors Using Electronic Health Records
- Authors: Marianne Hrabok, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Jordan Engbers – Desid Labs Inc; Samuel Wiebe – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Tolulope Sajobi – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Ann Subota – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Amal Almohawes – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Paolo Federico – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Alexandra Hanson – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Karl Martin Klein – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Joseph Peedicail – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Neelan Pillay – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Shaily Singh – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary; Colin Josephson – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
- Identifying cardiac genetic biomarkers to predict the risk of sudden unexplained death in epilepsy
- Authors: Ming Soh, The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Melbourne; Richard Bagnall – Molecular Cardiology Program, Centenary Institute; Lauren Bleakley – The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Melbourne; A. Marie Phillips – The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Melbourne; Chaseley Mckenzie – The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Melbourne; Erlina Mohamed Syazwan – The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Melbourne; Christopher Semsarian – Molecular Cardiology Program, Centenary Institute; Ingrid Scheffer – Epilepsy Research Centre, Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Austin Health, Heidelberg, VIC, Australia; Samuel Berkovic – Epilepsy Research Centre, Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Austin Health, Heidelberg, VIC, Australia; Christopher Reid – The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Melbourne
- Seizure Detection using Wearable Sensors and Machine Learning: Setting a Benchmark
- Authors: Jianbin Tang, IBM Research Australia; Rima El Atrache – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Umar Asif – IBM Research Australia; Michele Jackson – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Subhrajit Roy – IBM Research Australia; Theodore Sheehan – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Mahtab Mirmomeni – IBM Research Australia; Claire Ufongene – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Sarah Schubach – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Solveig Vieluf – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Christian Meisel – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Stefan Harrer – IBM Research Australia; Tobias Loddenkemper – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
- Population-Based Surveillance of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy using the Sudden Death in the Young Case Registry
- Authors: Vicky Whittemore, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health; Kristin M Burns – NIH; Michelle Udine – Children’s National Hospital; Esther Shaw – MPHI; Meghan Faulkner – MPHI; Niu Tian – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Predictor Risk Factors of In-patient Mortality in Status Epilepticus
- Authors: Nassim Naderi, University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston; Aditya Kumar – University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston; Louise McCullough – University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston
- Predictor Risk Factors of Acute Respiratory Failure in Status Epilepticus: Data from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS)
- Authors: Yvo Rodriguez, University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston; Niyousha Naderi – University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston; Shivika Chandra – University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston; Nassim Naderi – University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston
- Cardiac Mechanisms in Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) with DEPDC5 Loss-of-Function
- Yanting Zhao, University of Michigan; Helen Zhang – University of Michigan; Jack Parent – Michigan Medicine; Lori Isom – University of Michigan Medical School;
- Association Between Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizure and Cardiopulmonary Risk
- Authors: Yanting Zhao, University of Michigan; Helen Zhang – University of Michigan; Jack Parent – Michigan Medicine; Lori Isom – University of Michigan Medical School
- Apneas Persisting Beyond Amygdala Stimulation or Seizure Activity
- Authors: Gail Harmata, University of Iowa; Ariane Rhone – University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics; Christopher Kovach – University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics; Matthew Howard – University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics; George Richerson – University of Iowa; John Wemmie – University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics; Brian Dlouhy – University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics
- Ictal central apnea in patient with medically intractable epilepsy
- Authors: Katherine Schwartz, Rush University Medical Center; Antoaneta Balabanov – Rush University Medical Center; Alejandra Lastra – Rush University Medical Center
- Natural History of Mortality in Individuals with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
- Authors: Shridhar Parthasarathy, The College of New Jersey; Rajeshwari Mahalingam – Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery; Orrin Devinsky – New York University Langone Medical Center
- The prevalence of REM sleep onset seizures in a cohort of patients who died of SUDEP
- Authors: Lilach Goldstein, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital; Roozbeh Tarighati Rasekhi – Thomas Jefferson University Hospital; Michael Sperling – Thomas Jefferson University Hospital; Maromi Nei – Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
- Time of day is an inaccurate surrogate for sleep-wake state in the epilepsy monitoring unit
- Authors: Kevin Ha, University of Virginia; Andrew Schomer – University of Virginia; Juliana Leonardo – University of Virginia; Mark Quigg – University of Virginia
- Status Epilepticus: Inpatient Burden of Illness and Association with Disease Severity
- Authors: Elan Guterman, University of California, San Francisco; John Betjemann – University of California, San Francisco; Alex Aimetti – Marinus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Justin Li – Trinity Life Sciences; Zheng Wang – Trinity Life Sciences,; David Yin – Trinity Life Sciences; Joseph Hulihan – Marinus Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Thomas Lyons – Marinus Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Radnor, PA; Gavin Miyasato – Trinity Life Sciences, Waltham, MA; Adam Strzelczyk -Goethe University
- Evaluating the risks for SUDEP at night: depth of sleep predicts postictal heart rate
- Authors: Andrew Schomer, University of Virginia; Morgan Lynch – University of Virginia; Juliana Leonardo – University of Virginia; Valentina Baljak – University of Virginia; Matthew Clark – Advanced Medical Predictive Devices; J Randall Moorman – University of Virginia; Jaideep Kapur – University of Virginia; Mark Quigg – University of Virginia
- Central Apnea and Seizures in a COVID-19 Pediatric Patient
- Authors: Stephanie Enner, Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Sanaya Hormozdyaran – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Robin Varughese – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Jennifer Milillo – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Ivan Pavkovic – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Emma Laureta – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; James Schneider – Cohen Children’s Medical Center; Sanjeev Kothare – Cohen Children’s Medical Center
- Machine learning from wristband sensor data for wearable, non-invasive seizure forecasting
- Authors: Christian Meisel, Boston Children’s Hospital; Rima El Atrache – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Michele Jackson – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Sarah Schubach – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Claire Ufongene – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; Tobias Loddenkemper – Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
- Network localisation of cardiorespiratory dysfunction in focal epilepsy
- Authors: Eugenio Abela, King’s College London; Nira Futter – King’s College London; Andrea Biondi – King’s College London; Pedro Viana – King’s College London; Mark Richardson – King’s College London
- A Novel and Unexpected Marker of Risk for Seizures on EMU admission: Elevated EKG Heterogeneity
- Authors: Trudy Pang, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; Bruce Nearing – Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; Steven Schachter – Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; Richard Verrier – Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
- Autonomic Dysfunction Is More Prominent in Patients with Focal Rather Than with Generalized Epilepsy
- Authors: Alla Guekht, Moscow Research and Clinical Center for Neuropsychiatry; Anna Lebedeva – Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; Marina Lebedeva – Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology; Flora Rider – Moscow Research and Clinical Center for Neuropsychiatry; Yury Solomatin – Moscow Research and Clinical Center for Neuropsychiatry; Anna Teplyshova – Moscow Research and Clinical Center for Neuropsychiatry; Alexander Yakovlev – Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of Russian Academy of Sciences; Dmitry Zhuravlev – Moscow Research and Clinical Center for Neuropsychiatry; Max Hilz – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Other Research
- Screening for suicidality and its relation to undiagnosed psychiatric co-morbidities in children and youth with epilepsy
- Authors: Anjali Dagar, Cleveland Clinic; Amit Anand – Cleveland Clinic; Elia Pestana-Knight – Cleveland Clinic Epilepsy Center; Jane Timmons-Mitchell – Case western university; krystel Tossone – Case western university; Diane Zemba – Cleveland Clinic; Tatiana Falcone – Cleveland Clinic;
- Hospitalization costs and mortality in pediatric patients with drug-resistant epilepsy: vagus nerve stimulation therapy versus medical management
- Authors: Sandi Lam, Ann and Robert H Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago; Lu Zhang – Ann and Robert H Lurie Children’s Hospital; I-Wen Pan – MD Anderson Cancer Center
- Awareness and perception of first-aid methods for adult epilepsy patients and caregivers
- Authors: Rachel FY Wu, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong; Janet KT Wong – Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong; Ting Gee Annie Chiu – Queen Mary Hospital, The University of Hong Kong; William CY Leung – Queen Mary Hospital, The University of Hong Kong; YH Yuen – The University of Hong Kong; Cheuk Nam Rachel Lo – Queen Mary Hospital, The University of Hong Kong; Richard Shek-kwan Chang – Queen Mary Hospital, The University of Hong Kong
- Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy in a Canadian Centre: Our experience
- Authors: Ana Suller Marti, Western University; Jane Ding – Western University; Jorge G Burneo – Western University; Robert Hammond – Western University; Lee Cyn Ang – Western University; Qi Zhang – Western University
- Primary Care Provider Attitudes Regarding SUDEP in an Uninsured Population
- Authors: Julia Ghering, University of Arizona College of Medicine- Phoenix; Shahrzad Saririan – University of Arizona College of Medicine- Phoenix; Jeffrey Buchhalter – Epilepsy Foundation
- Quality Improvement Initiative to Reduce Fosphenytoin Administration Time for Status Epilepticus in the Emergency Department
- Authors: Jorge Vidaurre, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, The Ohio State University; Jackson Mittlesteadt – Nationwide Children’s Hospital; William Parker – Nationwide Children’s Hospital; Anup D. Patel – The Ohio State University and Nationwide Children’s Hospital; Dara Albert – Nationwide Children’s Hospital
- Readmissions for Cardiac and Non-cardiac Causes Among those with Epilepsy or Multiple Sclerosis
- Authors: H. Nicolas Lemus, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Downtown; Parul Agarwal – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Churl-Su Kwon – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Anusha Yeshokumar – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Mandip Dhamoon – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Madhu Mazumdar – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; Nathalie Jette – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai