The first Partners Against Mortality in Epilepsy (PAME) conference took place in Evanston, Illinois, on June 22-24, 2012. The meeting focused on Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) as a major source of mortality resulting from seizures. The ‘partnership’ that organized this conference grew out of the collaboration known as the SUDEP Coalition. The partners that served on the Organizing Committee included the American Epilepsy Society, Centers for Disease Control, Citizens United for Epilepsy Research, Epilepsy Foundation, Epilepsy Therapy Project, National Institutes of Neurological Disorders & Stroke, and SUDEP Aware. Conference Summary
Neurology Primer Session for Non-Scientists: Overview of Concepts and Terminology to be Used in PAME Conference Sessions
- Jeffrey Buchhalter, M.D., Ph.D.
- Lawrence J. Hirsch, M.D.
- Mark Stevenson, FACHE, CHIE
- George Richerson, M.D., Ph.D.
Group Discussion: Topic A: Family Welcome: Connect with Other Family Members and Learn How to Make the Most of PAME 2014
- Paul Scribner
- Linda Coughlin Brooks, RN, B.S.N., CT
Plenary Session: Overview of Mortality in Epilepsy Including SUDEP
Moderator: David Thurman, M.D., M.P.H
Overview of Short- and Long-Term Mortality in Epilepsy
Moderator: David Thurman, M.D., M.P.H.
Occurrence and Risk Factors for Accidents in Epilepsy
Moderator: Allen Hauser, M.D.
Causes of Epilepsy as Causes of Death in Epilepsy
Moderator: Josemir W. Sander, M.D., Ph.D., FRCP
SUDEP: New Definition
Moderator: Dale C. Hesdorffer, Ph.D.
Conclusion and Q & A
Moderator: David Thurman, M.D., M.P.H.
Plenary Session: SUDEP Mechanisms: Respiratory
- George Richerson, M.D., Ph.D.
- Lisa Bateman, M.D.
Moderator: George Richerson, M.D., Ph.D.
Human Peri-ictal Physiology: Respiratory
Moderator: Lisa Bateman, M.D.
Animal Models and Control of Breathing/SIDS
Moderator: George Richerson, M.D., Ph.D.
Respiratory Rhythm Generation and Long QT Genes
Moderator: Dan Mulkey, Ph.D.
Adenosine in Brainstem
Moderator: Detlev Boison, Ph.D.
Abstract Winner Presentation: Characterization of Respiratory Arrest-Susceptible DBA/1 TPH2-ChR2 Mice
Moderator: Hua-Jun Feng, M.D., Ph.D.
Perspectives and Q & A
- George Richerson, M.D.
- Lisa Bateman, M.D.
Plenary Session: Epilepsy Mortality Surveillance and Provider Guidelines
Moderator: Orrin Devinsky, M.D.
Story of Loved One
Moderator: Amy Haugen
Moderator: Orrin Devinsky, M.D.
Death Investigation in Epilepsy: Examination and Certification
Moderator: Lindsey Thomas, M.D.
SUDEP Registry Updates: NASR and SDYR
Moderator: Vicky Whittemore, Ph.D.
AAN SUDEP Guidelines
Moderator: Cynthia L. Harden, M.D.
State SUDEP Advocacy: Legislative and Non-Legislative Efforts
Moderator: Cyndi Wright
Conclusion and Q&A
Plenary Session: SUDEP Mechanisms: Sleep & Arousal Systems
- Gordon Buchanan, M.D., Ph.D.
- Hal Blumenfeld, M.D., Ph.D.
Moderator: Gordon Buchanan, M.D., Ph.D.
Human Peri-ictal Physiology: Central Shutdown and Arousal Systems
Moderator: Hal Blumenfeld, M.D., Ph.D.
Human & Mouse Mechanisms of Brainstem Invasion
Moderator: Brian Dlouhy, M.D.
Serotonin and Post-ictal Breathing and Arousal / Sleep
Moderator: Gordon Buchanan, M.D., Ph.D.
Adenosine: Sleep and Post-ictal Respiratory Arrest
Moderator: Carl Faingold, M.D.
Abstract Winner Presentation: Association of Prone Position with Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy
Moderator: James Tao, M.D., Ph.D.
Perspectives and Q & A
Moderator: Hal Blumenfeld, M.D., Ph.D.
Group Discussion Topic A: In-Depth Scientific Discussion on Role of Sleep and Arousal Mechanisms
- George Richerson, M.D., Ph.D.
- Hal Blumenfeld, M.D., Ph.D.
Group Discussion Topic B: Q & A for Families and Advocates on Friday’s Sessions
- Jeffrey Buchhalter, M.D., Ph.D.
- Orrin Devinsky, M.D.
- Dale Hesdorffer, Ph.D.
Group Discussion Topic A: In-Depth Scientific Discussion on Future Direction for Respiratory Research
- Lisa M. Bateman, M.D.
- George Richerson, M.D., Ph.D.
Group Discussion Topic B: Ways to Identify SUDEP Cases: How Clinicians and Family Members Can Work Together
- Dale Hesdorffer, Ph.D.
- Orrin Devinsky, M.D.
- Lindsey Thomas, M.D.
Plenary Session: Non-SUDEP Mortality in Epilepsy
Moderator: Dale Hesdorffer, Ph.D.
Story of Loved One
Moderator: Ginny Miller
Moderator: Dale Hesdorffer, Ph.D.
Mortality in Status and Acute Symptomatic Seizures
Moderator: Dale Hesdorffer, Ph.D
Occurrence and Risk Factors for Completed Suicide in Epilepsy
Moderator: Nathalie Jetté, M.D., FRCPC
Non-Adherence to Antiepileptic Drugs and the Risk for Death in Epilepsy
Moderator: Daniel Friedman, M.D.
Cardiovascular Disease and Epilepsy/AEDs
Moderator: Scott Mintzer, M.D.
Conclusions and Q & A
Moderator: Dale Hesdorffer, Ph.D
Plenary Session: SUDEP Mechanisms: Automatic and Cardiac
- Jeffrey Noebels, M.D., Ph.D.
- Jeffrey Britton, M.D.
Moderator: Jeffrey Noebels, M.D., Ph.D.
Autonomic Effects of Seizures and SUDEP: Neuroanatomic Considerations
Moderator: Jeffrey Britton, M.D.
Autonomic Control
Moderator: Franck K. Kalume, Ph.D
Neural-cardiac Mechanisms of SCN1A-linked Dravet Syndrome and SUDEP
Moderator: Lori Isom, Ph.D.
The Spectrum of Cardiac Complications in Epilepsy
Moderator: Rainer Surges
Abstract Winner Presentation: Cardiac Risk Factors and Potential Cardioprotective Therapy in a Model of Acquired Epilepsy
Moderator: Yi Chen Lai, M.D.
Perspective Q & A
- Jeffrey Noebels, M.D., Ph.D.
- Jeffrey Britton, M.D.
Plenary Session: Epilepsy and Grief
Moderator: Jeanne Donalty
Story of Loved One
Moderator: Lisa Riley
From Normal to Pathological Grief: Recognition of the Pathogenic Mechanisms
Moderator: Andres M. Kanner, M.D.
Grief Counseling or Not, Navigating the Grief Journey
Moderator: Linda Coughlin Brooks, RN, B.S.N., CT
Making a Grief Support Referral: Resources and Recommendations
Moderator: Paul Scribner
Panel Discussion and Q & A
Moderator: Jeanne Donalty
Plenary Session: SUDEP Mechanisms: Genetics
- Alica Goldman, M.D., Ph.D.
- Daniel Lowenstein, M.D.
Moderator: Alica Goldman, M.D., Ph.D.
Role of Human Genetics in SUDEP
Moderator: Alica Goldman, M.D., Ph.D.
Lessons from EPGP and Epi4K
Moderator: Daniel Lowenstein, M.D
Isolating and Validating SUDEP Genes in Mouse Models
Moderator: Jeffrey Noebels, M.D., Ph.D.
Sodium Channel Mutations and SUDEP
Moderator: Miriam Meissler, Ph.D.
Abstract Winner Presentation: Modeling SUDEP and Stress in Genetically Epilepsy Prone Rats (GEPR-9s)
Moderator: Srinivasa Prasad Kommajosula
Perspectives and Q & A
- Alica Goldman, M.D., Ph.D.
- Daniel Lowenstein, M.D.
Plenary Session: How Organizations Are Promoting Understanding of Epilepsy Mortality
- Jeffrey Buchhalter, M.D., Ph.D., FANN
- Cyndi Wright
Group Discussion Topic A: In-Depth Scientific Discussion on Mechanisms: Autonomic and Cardiac
- Jeffrey Noebels, M.D., Ph.D.
- Barbara Kroner, Ph.D.
Group Discussion Topic B: Q & A for Families and Advocates on Saturday’s Sessions
- Dale Hesdorffer, Ph.D.
- Lawrence J. Hirsch, M.D.
- Paul Scribner
- Alicia Goldman, M.D., Ph.D.
Group Discussion Topic A: In-Depth Scientific Discussion on Genetics
- Alicia Goldman, M.D., Ph.D.
- Jeffrey Noebels, M.D., Ph.D.
Group Discussion Topic B: How Clinicians and Family Members Can Work Together to Build More Understanding, Awareness and Reduce Epilepsy Mortality
- Cyndi Wright
- Dale Hesdorffer, Ph.D.
Plenary Session: SUDEP – Devices, Treatment & Prevention
Story of a Loved One
- Speakers: Dennis and Kari Knapp
- Speaker: Elizabeth Donner, M.D., FRCPC
Overview of Surgical and Pharmacological Treatments in SUDEP Prevention
- Speaker: Elizabeth Donner, M.D., FRCPC
Nocturnal Seizures, Stimulation and Supervision
- Speaker: Lisa M. Bateman, M.D.
The Accuracy and Clinical Utility of Devices
- Speaker: Daniel Friedman, M.D.
Monitoring Devices: What to Know and What to Ask
- Speaker: Tom Stanton
The Role of Self Management in Managing Epilepsy and Reducing Complications
- Speaker: Martha Sajatovic
SUDEP Prevention from a Public Health Perspective: Changing Behavior
- Speaker: Tanya Spruill, Ph.D.
Abstract Winner Presentation: Advance Warning of Epileptic Seizure Based on Complexity Measures of
Cerebral Blood Flow
- Speaker: Senay Imam
Panel Discussion and Q & A
- Moderator: Elizabeth Donner, M.D., FRCPC
Plenary Session: Final Thoughts & Closing Remarks
- Jeffrey Buchhalter, M.D., Ph.D., FANN
- Gardiner Lapham, RN, M.P.H.